You ever wake up from a dream and you have to ask what the universe is trying to say to you. Same. I rarely dream, but when I do I know that it means something.

So What are Prophetic Dreams? Well, obviously it is dreams that may happen in the future in some way. Many don’t believe, but I have no choice to believe. I have had a prophetic dream and honestly, I can do without it.

About two years ago, I had a dream that my grandfather who was dead was walking around my neighborhood looking for my grandmother, who was alive. You know where this is going. So, in my dream, my grandfather looked at me and stated and I quote “It’s time for her to come with me” Spooky. I woke up from this dream and I ran and told my mother that her father was haunting me from the great beyond. After that night, we let the dream go, and not two days after my grandmother died. My mother and I talked about the dream three months after my grandmother’s funeral and we have come to the conclusion that my grandfather called for my grandmother, Selfish bastard. Of course, many people will say this was a coincidence.


My mother has had dreams of me having a verbal altercation with former friends, and her dream was spot on. Now we aren’t psychsic, we just from time to time dream of things that will happen in the near future.

Now if I had a dream about a mermaid bathing in a lobster tank, that is not a prophetic dream, just something I weirdly dreamt about. Yes, I have had that dream before, TWICE.

Prophetic dreams don’t have to be clear and there are many categories of these dreams. Funny thing is a lot of people have these dreams but choose to ignore them.
