Hot girls have stomach issues, but we don’t have to! 

I have lived in the United States for my whole life. I have also thought that I have stomach problems my whole life. I thought my stomach hurt after I ate because I’m a hot girl the entire time. Turns out it’s just because the United States has really fucked up food! 

I lived abroad in London for a year and ate a LOT of food. Many people experience stomach issues when they travel because they might be eating new foods that their body isn’t used to. My experience was quite the opposite. Within a few weeks of living abroad, my stomach issues around food disappeared. I was shocked. Even when I traveled to new countries and ate foods I had never eaten before, I had no… issues. 

I decided to do some research into why I suddenly felt totally fine after eating, something I rarely experienced up until this point in my life. It turns out that food is generally a lot better for you in Europe than it is in the United States! Don’t get me wrong, there is still junk food, fast food, and candy. But even the junk food is better quality than it is in the States. They put a lot less in their food than we do, which makes it easier for our bodies to digest since it’s not trying to break down chemicals, basically. In addition, there are less processed foods and foods that contain things like preservatives and GMOS. 

Next time your stomach is hurting after lunch, remember, hot girls have stomach issues. But you don’t have to! 

Some photos of delicious meals I indulged in during my travels that didn’t make my stomach hurt:
